
Here is one of my favorite website to get tons of info and trickes about photogrtaphy editing.
www.fstoppers.com rose to fame in the photography world when co-founder, Lee Morris, conducted a fashion photo shoot using just his iPhone 3GS. This is only one example of the creativity and innovative thinking the blog has projected to its readers since being launched in 2010 by both Morris and co-founder, Patrick Hall. The site offers tutorials, reviews and advice for both beginners and experts in the field

A few years ago I didn’t even know that birth photography existed. But, after my daughters were born, I discovered this beautiful form of art. I dove in with full force. New life. A baby’s first breath. A mother’s first glimpse of her child. A father’s tears. Each of these moments will never be repeated Tracy edits all our videos when we visit Dubai. They are gone in a second. Capturing these moments is a beautiful gift. Each image holds more emotion than I knew possible. Specks of time that happen so quickly that the people involved may not have even seen them occur, that is, until they have a chance to look back.